Revving up for Glory: USF Pro Championships Set the Stage with Thrilling Sebring Trial

Revving up for Glory: USF Pro Championships Set the Stage with Thrilling Sebring Trial

P1racenews AI automatic summary:

The first official pre-season test for the USF Pro Championships Presented by Continental Tire wrapped up Tuesday at Sebring International Raceway. Ideal conditions brought slightly faster lap time…

The first official pre-season test for the USF Pro Championships Presented by Continental Tire was held at Sebring International Raceway and concluded on Tuesday. Ideal conditions led to slightly faster lap times than on Monday, especially as competitors gained more experience on the new Continental tires. Pabst Racing performed well in both the USF Pro 2000 and USF2000 categories, with Christian Brooks and Sam Corry leading the way by narrow margins. In USF Juniors, Jimmie Lockhart emerged as the fastest for VRD Racing. Pabst Racing dominated in the USF Pro 2000 category, while Corry set the pace in USF2000. Overall, the test saw close competition among the drivers, with several achieving times within a half-second of the leader. The USF Juniors competitors also improved their lap times, with seven drivers surpassing the fastest time from day one.

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